Over the holidays I had a chance to update crowdsourced-transport.com with new information. Here...
Crowdsourced Collaboration
MetroQuest Collaboration Application
MetroQuest is an application that provides a suite of tools that can be used to improve the...
City Swipe – Santa Monica Downtown
City Swipe is a Tinder-like application designed to collect input on what people like and...
Better Reykjavik: crowdsourcing and e-democracy
The Good Practice Exchange at the Wales Audit Office has published an interview with Gunnar...
Smarter Crowdsourcing by Beth Simone Noveck
Beth Simone Noveck writes in The Guardian about the need for more and better crowdsourcing. Her...
Beat the Street Game
Beat the Street is a community game that encourages people to walk or cycle around the...
Traffic Agent Transport Game – Oslo
The City of Oslo Norway has developed a fantastic app that blends gamification with reporting. The...
Power to the People – Excellent ideas from Tom Saunders of NESTA
Tom Saunders of NESTA has written an excellent post: Power to the people: how cities can use...
Reflective Games Can Change Minds
An article in the EU's online research magazine Horizon, by Fintan Burke titled: How a new...
Transport Planning Participation Tools from MIT
MIT's Mobility Futures Collaborative and Media Lab’s Changing Places have been developing tools to...
Who benefits from civic technology?
The study “Who benefits from civic technology? (PDF) - Demographic and public attitudes...
Smart Citizens, Smarter State Book
Beth Simone Noveck from NYU’s Governance Lab has written a new book titled “Smart Citizens,...
History of City Planning Games
Richard Moss has written an excellent history of city planning (building) games in Ars Technica....
Tri Met – O Marks the Spot Game
TriMet, Portland Oregon's regional public transport operator, developed a mobile phone game to...
Planning Support Systems and Smart Cities
Here's what looks like a great reference book for participation in planning: Planning Support...
Gamification to Encourage Walking and Cycling
Great post on the GovLab website describing Kevin Werbach's presentation on gamification: more...
Code of Everand – Pedestrian Crossing Game
Code of Everand Intro from Code of Everand on Vimeo. The game Code of Everand was an online game...
Next City: When We’re All Urban Planners
When We're All Urban Planners is a great article on the use of technology in participation. All...