I'm leading a Janes Walk in Vienna again! This year's walk titled "Traffic, too much" is scheduled...
Street Design
Klimaweg Wien West
Klimaweg Wien West is a corridor from the Ringstrasse, through Neubau, Funfhaus and Ottakring to...
Experimentation in Transport – Examples
In our paper Experimentation in Transport Planning: BridgeX Case Study presented at the 2021...
Experimentation in Transport Planning – 2021 TRB
Our paper Experimentation as a Public Engagement Strategy in the Bridge X Proposal for Reimagining...
Traffic Signals for Active Mobility
I've found, in my walks and rides through cities, that traffic signals really impact my route...
Wiener Grantig: New Bus-Tram Stop Signs
UPDATE: 14 January 2021 Of course the Wiener Linien, the public transport company that makes...
Lokale Agenda Neubau Wien – Walk to (home) Work
This year I've been getting more involved in local transport planning politics - reminding me of...
DIY Street Activism and Tactical Urbanism Groups
Here are some links to independent groups making DIY transport improvements to improve pedestrian...
Action: Tactical Urbanist’s Guide to Materials and Design
The Street Plans Collaborative published the Tactical Urbanist's Guide to Materials and Design...
Better Block
Better Block is an organisation providing resources (e.g., How to Build a Better Block) to help...
Project Sidewalk – Crowdsourced Mapping
Project Sidewalk is designed and operated by the Makeabilty Lab at the University of...
Interactive App: Vehicle Speed versus Pedestrian Injuries
ProPublica has developed a very effective interactive application that shows the chance of being...
Code of Everand – Pedestrian Crossing Game
Code of Everand Intro from Code of Everand on Vimeo. The game Code of Everand was an online game...
Hello Lamp Post – Playable City
Our "Smart City" focus is on people and participation (see my presentation "People make cities...