The EU Trace project is assessing the potential of movement tracking to improve walking and cycling in cities.
The European Commission supported TRACE project will assess the potential of movement tracking services to better plan and promote walking and cycling in cities, and develop tracking tools that will fuel the take up of walking and cycling measures. The project started in June 2015 and runs until 2018.
TRACE targets established measures to promote cycling and walking to the workplace, to school, for shopping purposes or simply for leisure. More particularly, TRACE will assess the potential of ICT based tracking services to optimise the planning and implementation of such measures and enhance their attractiveness and potential impact. Issues such as data privacy, cost, interoperability, financial/tax incentives, infrastructure planning and service concepts will be addressed.
Dedicated TRACE tracking based tools to promote behaviour change and support mobility planning will be tested in eight pilot sites: Breda (NL), Agueda (PT), Southend on Sea Borough (UK), Bologna (IT), Esch (LU), Belgrade (RS), Plovdiv (BG) and Belgium, and evaluated in terms of impacts, success factors and benefits, while preparing for their full commercial exploitation. To that end, common, flexible and open access tools will be developed, which address related ICT challenges and enable the development of products based on tracking services tailored to the requirements of specific measures by market-oriented application developers.