Welcome to Green City Streets!

The purpose of this blog is to explore the application of Web 2.0 techniques to create more sustainable transportation systems.
It’s a topic I have been interested in for many years; here are a few of my papers on the subject:

The blog is being launched as part of Bus Meister. Bus Meister is a prototype for the Green City Streets project. It combines a game (to attract and teach), a social network (to encourage political action) and a best practices wiki (for those who want to learn more). If Bus Meister is successful we will create similar programs for other modes of transport under the same Green City Streets website.Here are links to the Bus Meister pages:

We will use this blog to publicize ideas for using Web 2.0 techniques to make transport more sustainable as well as to help keep Bus Meister players and users informed about changes to the game and project. Please bookmark us or sign-up for our feed to stay up to date.
We welcome your comments and ideas!Thanks for reading – Andy

Andy Nash

February 18, 2011

1 Comment

  1. Peter

    very interesting approach! i believe that transport is one of the major threats to our environment at the moment. that’s why it’s highly important to make transport (especially public transport) more sustainable. Only recently, I’ve discovered a new siemens project called ‘sustainable cities’ http://www.usa.siemens.com/sustainablecities/index.html Seems like they are really trying to focus on that topic now!


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