After my post Traffic Signals for Active Mobility several people sent ideas for and examples of...
Tour Bus Confidential – Tourism in Vienna 2023
I developed a proposal for improving management of tour buses in Vienna. They were looking for...
Civic Technology 2019 Reading
Three interesting articles about Crowdsourcing that appeared in late 2019: 2020 and beyond: 11...
Using Open Source Data to Identify Blocked Bus and Bike Lanes
Alan Bell has used machine learning to develop a program that analyses data from traffic cameras...
Transit Alliance Miami – Metrorail Arrival Data
The Transit Alliance Miami has created a simple graphic display illustrating the time between...
2018 Updates
Over the holidays I had a chance to update with new information. Here...
MetroQuest Collaboration Application
MetroQuest is an application that provides a suite of tools that can be used to improve the...
Transit App adds Real Time Information
The Transit App can now collect tracking data from users to help them predict real time arrival...
Making Sense Project
The Making Sense project is funded by the European Commission and has the mission to make advances...
City Swipe – Santa Monica Downtown
City Swipe is a Tinder-like application designed to collect input on what people like and...
Psycho Networker – Music Video Psycho Networker is one of my favourite parody music videos I made...
Transport Data – Challenges and Opportunities
Getting Smart on Data: Challenges and Opportunities for Transport Authorities from Emerging Data...
DIY Street Activism and Tactical Urbanism Groups
Here are some links to independent groups making DIY transport improvements to improve pedestrian...
Making Citizen-Generated Data Work
Our Analyse page describes ways to crowdsource data analysis and collection. Here's an interesting...
Better Reykjavik: crowdsourcing and e-democracy
The Good Practice Exchange at the Wales Audit Office has published an interview with Gunnar...
Smarter Crowdsourcing by Beth Simone Noveck
Beth Simone Noveck writes in The Guardian about the need for more and better crowdsourcing. Her...
DataPlace – Mapping data for better participation
DataPlace is a fascinating idea, it allows users to place sensors on a map to collect (visualise)...
Future of Crowdsourced Reporting Apps (2016)
CityLab has a fascinating article on the future of city 311 systems: The Future of 311 Could Be...