I’m part of a wonderful group in Vienna called Community Creates Mobility (CcM). We meet regularly to share, develop and implement ideas for creating a more sustainable transport system. We have members from Austria, Germany and Switzerland joining us for online and live meetings.
One of our projects during the COVID lock down was publishing a book of stories about the future of transport called Our Future Mobility (Unsere Mobilität der Zuknuft). Of course the book also touches on topics like city planning, society and everything else connected to transport. I submitted two stories: “Liz sent me” and “Tourist Bureau Confidential” listed in the illustration above.
“Liz sent me” is a flash forward from the series of stories published earlier in my blog starting with Vienna Woods. It takes place about 30 years later. “Tourist Bureau Confidential” is a report by an undercover agent working for the Copenhagen tourist bureau sent to learn how Vienna had introduced a comprehensive strategy to make the city more livable for residents which, naturally, attracted more visitors because it was just such a pleasant place for everyone. It’s a riff on the Tour Bus Confidential proposal I created at the start of the COVID lock down.
Now, as shown in the illustration at the right, Community Creates Mobility will publish a new book taking the idea further. There are more details in the illustration if you are interested in contributing or otherwise getting involved. And, as you can see from my contributions the book is multilingual; so far just German and English, but who knows about the next edition. Happy writing!