re:publica 15 – IT for Public Participation Session

Photo by Andrew Nash of re:publica 2012 at Station Berlin.

2012 re:publica conference at Station Berlin (source: Andrew Nash).

I just submitted a proposal for a session at the re:publica 15 conference being held in Berlin from May 5-7. If you are interested in speaking contact me and let’s talk about the idea. Here’s my session idea:

The session will focus on how information technology can be used to help improve public participation in city planning and operations (i.e., city services for day-to-day life). The emphasis is on using technology to help people identify, discuss and decide rather than delegating more and more city services to automatic black-box type smart city applications. In other words people working with technology to create a smart city, not technology replacing people.

The session will consist of four presentations describing (1) frameworks for using information technology in the public involvement process; (2) case studies of cities using information technology applications in public involvement; (3) descriptions of specific public participation applications; and, (4) identifying new applications and functions for improving public participation (with the involvement of audience members).

The first three presentations will touch upon all four of these elements. The last presentation will focus on the fourth element and challenge the attendees to think about new ideas for public participation and how they could be used. Then the session will open-up to consist of a discussion of ideas.

Andy Nash

January 3, 2015

1 Comment

  1. ghazaleh koohestanian

    hello andrew- we are solar oriented architecs, innovtors and involved in bringing green tech into the city- we started wit the first solar cafe- wich would be intresting to get involved @republice in your proposal- the kit that we have invented is implantable by anyone even without any previous knowledge inorder to resolar exsisiting structures in the city- after that there is no need for electricity-
    happy to exchange about more soon.
    best from berlin
    ghazaleh koohestanian


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