As a transport planner I can see many advantages of self-driving (autonomous) cars, but recognize...
Governance and Gov 2.0
Flash Fiction – Vienna Woods
I'm thrilled to have been selected as a winner in the Flash Fiction contest organised by...
Making Citizen-Generated Data Work
Our Analyse page describes ways to crowdsource data analysis and collection. Here's an interesting...
Better Reykjavik: crowdsourcing and e-democracy
The Good Practice Exchange at the Wales Audit Office has published an interview with Gunnar...
Smarter Crowdsourcing by Beth Simone Noveck
Beth Simone Noveck writes in The Guardian about the need for more and better crowdsourcing. Her...
DataPlace – Mapping data for better participation
DataPlace is a fascinating idea, it allows users to place sensors on a map to collect (visualise)...
Power to the People – Excellent ideas from Tom Saunders of NESTA
Tom Saunders of NESTA has written an excellent post: Power to the people: how cities can use...
Crowdsourced Air Quality Data in China
Crowdsourced air quality data is making news in China. According to Bloomberg News, "Besides...
SeeClickFix – 2 million issues + future
Update: SeeClickFix is ten years old! Happy Birthday to a great civic crowdsourcing application!...
Who benefits from civic technology?
The study “Who benefits from civic technology? (PDF) - Demographic and public attitudes...
Smart Citizens, Smarter State Book
Beth Simone Noveck from NYU’s Governance Lab has written a new book titled “Smart Citizens,...
Citizen-Generated Data and Government
A really important question about citizen collected data is how to it can be distributed and used...
Planning Support Systems and Smart Cities
Here's what looks like a great reference book for participation in planning: Planning Support...
History of the Urban Dashboard
Mission Control: A History of the Urban Dashboard is a fascinating article taking you from the...
Next City: When We’re All Urban Planners
When We're All Urban Planners is a great article on the use of technology in participation. All...
re:publica 15 – IT for Public Participation Session
I just submitted a proposal for a session at the re:publica 15 conference being held in Berlin...
Civic Exchange – Technology for Better Government
From: "Data Driven Cities", by Sally Kneeshaw in URBACT News: 22 January 2015: Nesta in the UK, in...
Proposed structure for understanding interactive city tools
I've just finished preparing a paper titled A Proposed Structure for Understanding Interactive...