We're excited to be launching the Ringstrasse150 - Ring Ride project. The project consists of a...
My Projects
re:publica 15 – IT for Public Participation Session
I just submitted a proposal for a session at the re:publica 15 conference being held in Berlin...
Public Transport Strategic Planning using Levels
I'm making a presentation at SPUR in San Francisco on January 7 on the concept of public transport...
New Project: Ringstrasse 150
Ringstrasse 150 is a project to crowdsource ideas for making Vienna's Ringstrasse the world's most...
GreenCityStreets.com now online!
(2019 Update) ... Information from the GreenCityStreets.com website is now available on...
Smart City Conference – Milkosc, Hungary
Just returned from a very interesting Smart City conference in Milkosc Hungary where I gave a talk...
BusMeister Game Status
19 July 2015 - I've disabled the link to the game because BusMeister is a Flash game. Given all...
TRB Annual Meeting Presentations 2014
The 2014 TRB Annual Meeting was busy and fun - as usual. I was co-author of two papers: Using...
Games in transport: Grr-Grr-Bike case study
I just posted the paper I wrote jointly with Peter Purgathofer and Fares Kayali of the...
Help develop a sustainable transport app for Vienna!
I'm organising a roundtable discussion on using social applications (social networks, crowd...
Grr-Grr-Bike – Our new bike game!
Grr-Grr-Bike! is a fun way to learn about urban bike riding and support better biking in...
GreenCityStreets Presentations
Andy has made several presentations about the GreenCityStreets project and the use of social...
Social Networks and Transport at SPUR
On my visit to the Bay Area I presented ideas on social networks and transport in San Jose...
Transportation Camp DC 2013 wiki
I just created a wiki that people can use to develop session proposals for the Transportation Camp...
Presentations at 2012 ITS World Congress
I'm making three presentations at the 2012 ITS World Congress being held this week in...
PICNIC 2012 GreenCityStreets.com presentation
I'm making a presentation on the GreenCityStreets.com application at the PICNIC 2012 festival in...
Stadtgespräch: Innovationen für die Stadtentwicklung
I'm making a presentation on GreenCityStreets at the Stadtgespräch: Innovationen für die...
Steam Train Wedding – Music Video
As we were driving by a railway station in the Berner Oberland (Switzerland) we saw a steam engine...