After my post Traffic Signals for Active Mobility several people sent ideas for and examples of...
Traffic Signals for Active Mobility
I've found, in my walks and rides through cities, that traffic signals really impact my route...
2018 Updates
Over the holidays I had a chance to update with new information. Here...
Making Sense Project
The Making Sense project is funded by the European Commission and has the mission to make advances...
Transport Data – Challenges and Opportunities
Getting Smart on Data: Challenges and Opportunities for Transport Authorities from Emerging Data...
Making Citizen-Generated Data Work
Our Analyse page describes ways to crowdsource data analysis and collection. Here's an interesting...
Chicago Array of Things Project Sensor Data
Chicago is installing sensors throughout the city in a project called Array of Things (AoT) to...
Crowdsourcing Clean Drinking Water
Here's a great post from the Planetizen Blog Crowdsourcing Clean Drinking Water, Interview with...
Data Crowdsourcing Updates – April 2016
There are many new opportunities for people to help collect and analyse data and help improve...
AirTick – Air Quality Monitoring from Selfies
AirTick is a project from Pan Xheng Xiang at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore,...
AirVisual – Crowdsourced Air Quality Community
AirVisual calls itself "the crowdsourced air quality community". They have developed a home air...
Crowdsourced Air Quality Data in China
Crowdsourced air quality data is making news in China. According to Bloomberg News, "Besides...
iSPEX – Crowdsourced Air Quality Data Project
The European Union project iSPEX recently asked residents in 11 European cities to participate in...
Citizen-Generated Data and Government
A really important question about citizen collected data is how to it can be distributed and used...
Coming Soon to Google Maps: Street-Level Air Pollution
Interesting article from the Atlantic CityLab about Google adding air quality monitoring to its...
Radius Ride – Using GPS sensors to develop travel times
Arlington Virginia's Mobility Lab recently organised a "Radius Ride" from a high school to...
Gamification to Encourage Walking and Cycling
Great post on the GovLab website describing Kevin Werbach's presentation on gamification: more...
BREATHE Study Tests Mobile Phone Air Quality Sensors
The project BREATHE (European Research Council Grant Agreement number 268479) studied whether...